The Roar of the Lion: The Untold Story of Churchill's World War II Speeches Reprint Edition, Kindle Edition
'Very interesting!'
Interesting read to find out more about how Churchill was not universally popular during WW2, and how the myth that has grown up around him is not strictly accurate.
John S - 5 April 2021
Churchill's Empire: The World that Made Him and the World He Made
'Churcills Empire Views Clarified'
Have only lightly read through it. It seems to be an diferent view on perhaps the accepted view
Alan Dennis Berridge - 22nd October 2021
The Churchill Myths Kindle Edition
In 'The Churchill Myths', the historians Bill Schwarz, Richard Toye and Steven Fielding offer up a scorching indictment of our prime minister. ― Nathan Yeowell,
The Times
Lloyd George and Churchill: Rivals for Greatness Hardcover – Unabridged, 16 Mar.
6 April 2017
Rhetoric: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)
'Excellent reading for a wider understanding'
Rosy - 22nd October 2018
The Churchill Myths Kindle Edition
'A good read'
Therese Murphy - 2nd February 2017
The Churchill Myths Kindle Edition
'The Churchill Myths is a fascinating, insightful, and often challenging read.
Alastair Stewart, Finest Hour, the journal of the International Churchill Society'
The Churchill Myths Kindle Edition
'The Churchill Myths is one of the best books about Brexit and English self-delusion out there.'
Nick Cohen, journalist, author and political commentator
Rhetoric: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions)
'Excellent Introduction'
'Rhetoric: A Very Short Introduction, in common with others of its series, is neither particularly short, nor limited to an introduction. It is a detailed and extensive short paperback which introduces the principles of classical rhetoric, its history, and then considers current questions in discourse analysis. It is supplemented (rather oddly for an introduction) with exercises, and also has a good bibliography.
Rhetoric, the author argues, is treated as something rather suspect, but we all indulge in it, even if we are opposing it. The rhetor (not rhetorician, as sometimes described) may be using plain-speaking as a rhetorical technique just as much as he or she can use the full range of classical techniques finishing with the peroration.
Author Richard Toye lectures in rhetoric, and does a 5 minute pitch for his course to students. Parts of this book echo Toye's desire to persuade students to value a subject which has gone out of fashion. I find that he makes a good case.
Students of history, literature and history will benefit from the knowledge of rhetoric as it used to be taught which this book imparts. Students of politics will find Toye's analytical techniques useful for decoding and deconstructing speeches. Equally, readers like me who have always intended to find about about rhetoric, but have never done so, will enjoy it for the gap it fills in their knowledge.
Highly recommended.'
Martin Turner
16th July 2013